Coalition Childhood 2025 is an alliance of civil society organisations, networks and individuals working for the advancement of the process of deinstitutionalisation of child care and protection in Bulgaria. This process represents the active replacement of existing institutional care for children with care in the family or providing a family-like environment. Deinstitutionalisation is not just about removing children from institutions. It involves both preventing new placements and creating new opportunities...
read moreOn January 24th, at the office of the Know-How Center for Alternative Care for Children, NBU, the first meeting of the Childhood 2025 Coalition members for the new year took place. The meeting started with the introduction...
The last meeting for the current year of organisations – members of the Childhood 2025 Coalition, took place on the 5th of December in Sofia. It was attended by representatives of the International Social Service – Bulgaria,...
Recent data on the factors for the separation of children from their families were presented to foster parents and social workers during the annual meeting of the National Foster Care Association, which was held in Sofia...