Organization:Know-how Centre for Alternative Care for Children, New Bulgarian University
Authors:Researchers: Galina Markova, Evgenia Toneva, Elitsa Gerginova, Zlatka Angelova, Iliana Malinova, Kostadinka Samsorova, Kristina Slavova, Laura Sargsyan, Natalia Mihaylova
Summary:The Know-how Centre for Alternative (to Institutional) Care for children studied the process of deinstitutionalisation in Bulgaria in the periods 2013-2015 and 2016-2017. The first study occurs in the initial period. It involves work on large-scale projects funded by EU and a range of donors. It is associated with anxieties, inspiration and expectations. The nature of the second period (the results of which are presented in this report) is different. In the immediate aftermath of the major projects, the anxieties have been justified, the enthusiasm has been replaced by the exhausting daily routine of caring for children now moved to the new services, and the expectations of genuine reform have not been met.
Purpose:The question that the study seeks to answer is to what extent the mission of deinstitutionalisation outlined by its strategic goals was realised in 2017: 1) children live in the community and their social inclusion is promoted; 2) children are close to their parents; 3) children and parents have access to services that meet their needs.