Authors:Biser Spirov, Vera Kolesheva, Snezhana Vankova, Maria Ruseva, Temenuzka Stancheva, Dr. Ivelina Dudrenova, M.Sc., Hristo Genchev, Miroslav Mihov, Adriana Gotsova, with the support of Lina Gilinsten
Summary:The conclusions and recommendations in the report are made on the basis of two projects at a small group home for children and youth with disabilities in Dobrich and Varna. Facts from the practice of feeding have been established and guidelines have been provided to overcome unsuccessful and inappropriate approaches to the feeding of children/youth with disabilities in small group homes.
Purpose:The purpose of the report is to provide an adequate solution to the topic of nutrition – one of the basic human needs, which in the process of deinstitutionalisation remained uncovered and unsecured functionally, emotionally and socially for the children/youth with disabilities in small group homes.