Authors:Snezhana Vankova, Maria Ruseva, Biser Spirov
Summary:The approach to determining the budget of residential social services for children with disabilities at the date of preparation of the analysis is unchanged from before the start of the reform of childcare. At the moment, it continues to be based on a single expenditure standard that does not take into account the individual needs of children and young people and is insufficient in size.
Purpose:Since 2013 Lumos directs the attention of the legislative bodies to the more correct financial security of the services, namely "the money is tailored to the individual needs of the user". Applying this principle would lead to positive qualitative changes in overall care. Applying the institutional model of funding automatically provokes an institutional model of care. Only the application of innovative approaches in family-type care settings would lead to a real deinstitutionalisation of care and qualitative changes in the development of children/youths with and without disabilities. The analysis presents evidence for the stated thesis.