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изследванеSupport for childcare reforms in conditions of political instability, poverty and limited human resources (Evaluation of the work of Hope and Homes for Children – Bulgaria branch for the period 2014-16)

Organization:Know-how Centre for Alternative Care for Children, New Bulgarian University
Authors:Borislava Mecheva, Valentina Bizheva, Galina Markova, Evgenia Toneva, Lubomir Jalev, Kristina Slavova, Yana Katsarova
Summary:The main conclusion of the evaluation is that (also) in this context, the implementation of the HHC Model remains relevant, effective, sustainable and useful because: 1) it continues to lead to the closure of the institutions for medicalised care, 2) it ensures family care for institutionalised children or for children living at risk of institutionalisation, 3) achieves and maintains deinstitutionalisation attitudes (DI) in the child welfare system. Combined with the above factors, the wider context of poverty and lack of professionalism in the child protection system precludes the organisation from engaging in more than a catalyst and leadership role in the implementation of DI. The same factors have a negative impact on the sustainability of HHC's work, which is limited in time.
Purpose:Interim evaluation of the program "Strategic Deinstitutionalisation and Reform in Child Care in Bulgaria" of Hope and Homes for Children – Bulgaria
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